Trivium & Heaven Shall Burn insieme per un evento da non perdere
19.02.2023 MILANO, Alcatraz
Prezzo del biglietto in prevendita: € 38,00 + d.p.
Biglietti disponibili nei punti vendita Ticketone da sabato 21 novembre. Scopri qui il punto vendita ticketone più vicino
Special guest: TBA
Trivium, in base ad alcune indiscrezioni, sono attualmente al lavoro sui brani del nuovo album. Heaven Shall Burn suoneranno per la prima volta dal vivo i pezzi del loro ultimo “Of Truth And Sacrifice” uscito lo scorso marzo.
Insomma, amanti delle nuove sonorità metal e hardcore non potete proprio mancare
+ TesseracT, Fit For An Autopsy
On sale start: 18.11.2020 – 10am.
Visit for tickets
After a year full of privation and a lean period of live gigs, we can already look forward to Winter 2021: With HEAVEN SHALL BURN and TRIVIUM, two metal bands are going on a European tour to heat up the cold months.
Trivium can’t wait to get back on stage. One of the most important metal bands of the 21st Century, are finally able to play their new songs. In Spring 2020 Trivium released their ninth album What The Dead Men Say, with the band’s typical mixture of devastating harshness, technical demands, great melodies and irresistible hooks, this new album once again promises great live moments.
After a two year break from concerts, during which Heaven Shall Burn released the epic double album Of Truth and Sacrifice, reaching number one on the German charts, they wanted to get started playing live again in 2020 but the Coronavirus had other plans. From the elaborate stage scenery to the unbelievable energy that Heaven Shall Burn displays again and again, every concert is an adventure. Hardly any other German band has impressively tied political and social topics, such as animal and human rights, into the metal scene known for it’s heavy riffs and circle pits
THIS is the tour to bring back touring in Europe!
17:30 – apertura cancelli
18:15 – Malevolence
19:00 – Obituary
20:05 – Heaven Shall Burn
21:35 – Trivium