ICONIC Summer Party
Friday, 5th July
Welcome Ladies and gentlemen, this is Iconic SUMMER party
People all around the world meet in Alcatraz
The best friday in Milano
Like every Friday night you can shine with our makeup area
Are you ready ?
23 P.m. open doors
Start H 00.30 a.m. Dj set
Mainfloor: Edm Raggaeton and the best hits ( Atn )
-10 euro woman drink included before h: 00.00 a.m.
-15 euro man drink included before h 00.00 a.m.
Table reservation info : +393807532229
Identity Card required at the entrance
How to reach us:
Subway: MM3 Maciachini, MM5 Isola
Tram 3/4 Farini / Stelvio
bus 90/91/92/70 Farini Stelvio
Car: tangenziale est uscita Zara / Fulvio Testi